Dexter Nolley
United States
Dexter is a Chief Human Resources Officer for a large academic medical center in North Carolina. In his role, he works as an executive coach, a physician leadership coach, and a leadership coach to develop current and future talent by developing coaching plans, practices, and skill development. His coaching passion is partnering with executives and leaders to improve their leadership skills and executive presence to solve current challenges.
Professional/Business Experience
Dexter has more than 25 years of experience working with leaders in academic medical centers, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, higher education, state government, churches and other not for profit organizations. He has worked extensively in the field of Human Resources where he helps organizations and individuals discover their values and vision while strategically aligning themselves to produce sustainable and measurable results.
Dexter also has experience in diverse settings including business, union, non-union, education, and state agencies. He has worked with such companies as: BlueCross BlueShield, Boston Scientific, Cisco, Progress Energy, High Tech Fabrication, North Carolina State Highway Patrol, University of North Carolina Business and Accounting Schools, Columbia University and Duke University.
Dexter’s coaching clients have experienced success in the following areas: self awareness, self-confidence, courageous conversations, successful onboarding/transition into new executive positions, increase in leadership presence and effectiveness and transitioning into more strategic roles.
Dexter is an ICF and Board Certified Coach, a certified Senior Professional in Human Resources. He is a graduate of Georgia Southern University, holds a Master’s in Counselor Education and a Bachelor’s in Communications from Mercer University.