Are you Winning or Losing? Upskilling & Reskilling Leadership 

A company that is intentional about developing agile leaders is a company that is intentional about providing best-in-class experiences for their employees, or in other words, they are “winning.” 

You don’t need a huge budget, or an exhausting amount of time – But you do need commitment. No one can feel the pulse better within an organization than an effective HR Leader. It’s time to take action, increase retention, boost morale, and defeat burnout. YOU must find a partner and lead the charge. 

Let’s explore key data that must be shared with your executive team, and learn more about what employees want and need in the workplace. 

The Employer’s Role in Upskilling 

Deloitte conducted a survey involving over 9,000 business and HR leaders, shedding light on the shared responsibility of upskilling. An overwhelming 73% of respondents believed that organizations bear the primary responsibility for workforce development, followed by individuals themselves at 54%. 

However, there is often a misconception among employers that employees are reluctant to reskill. Some believe that time constraints and stepping out of one’s comfort zone pose insurmountable challenges. The reality, though, is quite different. An impressive 68% of employees are keen on reskilling, even when it’s not immediately necessary. Among the roles expressing the highest eagerness to acquire new skills are those in Management, Sales, Manufacturing, and Customer Service. 

Employers are increasingly acknowledging this demand for reskilling and upskilling, and it’s proving to be beneficial for business. A U.S. Chamber Foundation and SHRM survey found that over half of respondents believe that investing in skills-based training yields a significant return on investment and directly addresses existing skills gaps. 

Why Focus on Upskilling & Reskilling for Management Teams 

Investing in the development of management teams, particularly in the realms of leadership and communication, offers a multitude of advantages: 

1. Frontline Leaders Are Critical to Your Organization

Frontline managers play a pivotal role in supervising over 80% of employees within the typical organization. They also represent 50-60% of the leadership population in a company. 

2. Surprises on the Path to Leadership 

An astonishing 70% of frontline managers were not anticipating a promotion to a leadership role, emphasizing the need for proper preparation when it comes to the new aspects of supervising, having difficult conversations, influencing, & balancing stress. Leaders that receive no proper development are at increased risk of burnout & turnover. 

3. The Lack of Preparation 

Only 10% of frontline leaders feel adequately prepared when taking on a leadership role, indicating a need for leadership training

4. The Challenge of Transition 

A staggering 60% of new managers didn’t receive any leadership training upon assuming their first management position. 

5. Mixed Feelings About Leadership 

Only 40% of frontline leaders genuinely enjoy being a manager, while 20% regret accepting the leadership role. 

6. High Turnover Among New Managers 

A significant 60% of new managers experience failure within the first 24 months, highlighting the importance of adequate support and development. 

Front-Line & Mid Level Leadership is an organization’s culture. The experiences that they provide lead to the beliefs of all other employees. Those beliefs foster behavior. And their behavior is what drives the results of the company. 

It’s time to be intentional about investing in your front-line leadership. Grow retention, defeat burnout, and provide game changing experiences that catapult you past your competition. 

Do not hesitate in providing what your employees are asking for. Reach out to LAK today and embark on a journey of upskilling and reskilling to secure a brighter future for your workforce and your business.